Holy cow, did not realize it's been almost 5 months since my last blog! This one will be short and sweet as I have a few others I want to work on.
I've been so busy the last 5 months with my cleaning business, riding, tattooing, working on the website and listing on eBay, not sure which end is up any more. And I've started back to Weight Watchers, which I hope I can start a completely different blog on.

I picked up 2 consignments, one from a friend who has been very patient with me getting her stuff up and one from a local church. That consists of Precious Moments, about 150 of them, along with some vintage shakers & a cookie jar. Along with the Pyrex, Napco Cookie Jar & Haviland china that have already sold. We started researching and listing the Precious Moments. Here is one of the pieces:
This is Our Land, members only piece.
I've started painting XBox controllers, like I need another project. I'm crazy.
Well, that's about it for now, need to scan in some tattoo designs to post to Facebook for clients.